Junior Tennis
Glasnevin LTC have over 330 junior players, most of them active tennis players and involved in coaching and representing the club in Junior League and friendly matches throughout the year. Junior members are under 14 years of age on 31st of December of the preceding year. Intermediate members are an older group of Junior members between the ages of 14 and 18. They are an important part of our club, for now and for the future and we are fortunate to have many member families as part of our tennis community.
Junior Members Information
To get set up for Smart Club, click here
Junior Updates & Events
Bolger Tennis are running 3 day Easter Camps. Tues - Thurs each week of easter holidays. 10am - 1pm. Cost €50 Contact Gary 0857030430
This has started on Feb 22nd and best of luck to all the teams that are entered. thank you to Rachel Ryan who is looking after the teams.
U14 interclub tennis We would like to enter boys & girls team Teams of 6 - 3 pairs Some matches will be at home or away. Check the registration link via club email to join before MARCH 17th.
The Junior leagues started on the Sunday 23rd February. We have 8 teams taking part across U12 U15 and U18 both boys and girls. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL THE TEAMS
The Spring Round Robin opens on the 25th. There is a slight change to entry this year. Check the registration link via club email to enter.
We will need help to run this over the weekend.
Umpires may be needed for the matches
Help out in the kitchen to make sandwiches tea etc. We are obliged to provide refreshments for the kids waiting around to play.
If anyone could drop down cakes for over the weekend it would be appreciated!
Contact Ciara 0868556299 if you can help out.
March 3 @ 12:00 am Leinster T100 March Events U12 Boys DCU
March 7 @ 12:00 am - March 9 @ 12:00 am RLTCC Masters Tour 500 2025, Rushbrooke Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club
March 8 @ 12:00 am Leinster T100 Regional Events Part 2 U12 Boys Arklow
March 9 @ 12:00 am Leinster T100 Regional Events Part 2 U12 Girls Gorey
March 10 @ 12:00 am Leinster T100 March Events U12 Girls DCU
March 14 @ 12:00 am - March 17 @ 12:00 am Glasnevin Junior Tour 500 2025 Glasnevin Lawn Tennis Club
March 14 @ 12:00 am - March 17 @ 12:00 am Lansdowne Masters Tour 1000 2025, Lansdowne Lawn Tennis Club
March 15 @ 12:00 am - March 16 @ 12:00 am Ulster Junior Tour 500 Weekend 2 U18, Belfast
March 21 @ 12:00 am - March 23 @ 12:00 am Larkspur Park Tennis Junior Tour 500 Open Weekend, Larkspur Park Tennis Club
March 28 @ 12:00 am - March 30 @ 12:00 am, Carrigaline Junior Tour 500 U14 & U18, Carrigaline Tennis Club
April 12 @ 12:00 am - April 16 @ 12:00 am Little Wing Tour 100 Junior Open, Hilden Tennis Club
April 12 @ 12:00 am - April 18 @ 12:00 am, Brookfield Junior Tour 500, Brookfield Tennis Club
Full information and entry details are available on the Tennis Ireland website.
Junior Competition Highlights
John Sheridan
Winner - U14s T200 Junior Open -Templeogue
Julianne Keogh
Winner U12 Singles – Greystones
Aisling Fallon
R/Up U16/18s Singles - Greystones
Josh Butler
Winner U14 Singles - Sutton
John Sheridan
Winner U14 Singles - Leopardstown
Julianne Keogh
Winner U12 Doubles – Rushbrooke
Julianne Keogh
R/Up U12 Singles - Sutton
U18’s Junior League Team
Under 12 Girls Stars and Stripes
U10’s Winter Weekends Team
Adam Treacy & Josh Butler
Winner - U14 Doubles – Greystones
Child Protection
Glasnevin Lawn Tennis Club has adopted and implemented the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as set out by Tennis Ireland, as an integral part of club policy on children and club membership.
Upon joining the Club or renewal of membership, all members agree to abide by the Club’s Child Protection Policy and Codes of Conduct. These policies and codes are set out below and all members and their children should read and become familiar with them.
Glasnevin Lawn Tennis Club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for children other than at organised junior coaching, junior camps and junior tournaments. Glasnevin Lawn Tennis Club does not accept responsibility for juniors that arrive to the club to play on their own. It is strongly recommended that if children are playing in the club independently of the club’s organised activities that a parent/guardian stays with them for the duration of the activity.
The club’s child protection officers are available should any member have any questions or require any assistance in relation to child protection in the club.
Coaching is also available for all junior levels.
Call Glasnevin LTC on 01-8371042 or email glasnevintennisclub@gmail.com with enquiries.